See our new Hot Birthday Picks page for the best of new trends and ideas in birthday gifts and gifts for other occasions.
us, there's no greater feeling than giving a gift that just "clicks"
(and we're not talking about a pen). We truly hope you'll find one for
your recipient here.
Choose from the list below. Don't know them very well? Then check our wild card selections for gifts suitable for anyone. Art If you'd like to give them a laugh, check out the birthday humor book titles on our Trivia/Humor page. |
Art & Design Body & SoulBathrobes,
the perfect gift idea. Over fifteen styles just for women (men and children
have their own sections). Well done site, color variations and patterns
shown onscreen.
Gift Certificates...simply the best way to give a spa day. Great
Gift Ideas at A&E Television's Online Store.
San Francisco Music Box Company Hollywood
Mega Store JustFlowers.com GroovyCandies.com Gift Boxes - A Blast From The Past! Candy sampler gift boxes from the 50s, 60s, 70s, and 80s. EthnicGrocer.com USAOPOLY
How about Champagne Wishes (sorry, not delivered by Robin)? Or, one
of our favorites, the Portable Bench (a chair-bag with a cold compartment,
separate dry section, and comfortable seat) filled with wine, cheese,
crackers, and more. Gift Solutions Birthday Gift Baskets Great birthday gift baskets, along with many, many other reasons for celebrations. Book Bouquet "Novel-Gifts for All Occasions!" Gift baskets for men, women, kids and babies created with books and coordinating gifts. Gotham Baskets Online shop based in Greenwich Village, New York City. They take great pride in finding the highest quality and unique gourmet treats and gifts from across the country. All the gift baskets and products are designed with care and made by hand. UrbanScooters.com The number one destination for deep discounts on electric scooters, electric bikes, parts and accessories. Top brands like Z scooter, Currie, E-Bike and more. Free shipping is offered on every scooter and bike sold. One of the hottest items for this year. We were surprised at how (relatively) inexpensive some of these are. Precious Gems Birthstone Jewelry: Genuine gemstone jewelry specials for every month. Save 30% today! TrendyJewelryBox You'll see the word "fun" used in copy several times throughout this site...that's truth in advertising. Cool rhineston- theme reading glasses, beautiful necklaces, stretch bracelets, pressed flower jewelry...most stuff under $20! Best To You
Christian GiftsGifts, books, cards, all with a Christian message at the heart...beautiful prayer box bracelet, a cross of nail
necklace, "When In Doubt" candles and mug. WonderfullyWacky
- unique gifts. Possibly the world's wackiest gift gallery. Would an
inflatable deer head convince you? Oneshare.com
Giving stocks as gifts is a smart idea (well, most of the time). Purchase
a custom framed share of stock in a favorite company. Disney, Microsoft,
Harley, Coke, Apple, and the WWF are just some of the top gift giving
favorites Genuine
Lava® Lamps CoolStuffCheap.com is the largest retailer of these, and they're always on sale (prices start at $24.95). Plus, lots and
lots of other unique stuff...Aqua Frames, 3D Holographic Image Lamps, and Litecube party ice, just to name three.
Lighter Side Co. Another great FLEN (Fast Loading Easy to Navigate)
site...not necessarily just gag gifts, although there are plenty of
those available! Spilsbury.com They
deliver fun! The "Unique Gifts" section sure is
titled appropriately. How about a Mickey Mouse taoster than burns an
image of the rat, er, mouse into your toast...or a mini player piano,
a horoscope watch, or a yearbook filled with dailiy historic
events...choose any year from 1940-2000.
Southwest Blades High quality swords, knives, axes, and other weaponry for display or demonstration. Absolutely breathtaking swords...and this coming from a woman! (Imagine what the guys would think of this stuff!) Buy
door knockers at
OutdoorDecor.com! Stacks
and Stacks Absolutely gorgeous, handturned wood, certificate of authenticity, very reasonably-priced.
under $10 that last all year!
The Birthday Bag
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