Hot Don't Spill It In Your Lap" Festival Punch
quart rum
1 quart sweet apple cider
2 or 3 cinnamon sticks, broken
1-2 T butter
ingredients in heavy saucepan until almost boiling. Serve hot
in mugs.
Birthday Punch
pint sherry
1 pint brandy or cognac
2 jiggers curacao
2 jiggers marachino liqueur
2 packages frozen sliced peaches, half-thawed
2 bottles champagne
1 bottle club soda
sherry, cognac, curacao, liqueur and peaches in bowl over block
of ice. Stir. Chill in refrigerator. Just before serving, add
champagne and club soda.
Jiggle Punch
jiggers brandy
1-1/2 jibbers dry vermouth
1 jigger triple sec
3 jiggers dry sherry
juice of 1/2 lemon
1 stick of cinnamon, broken
with ice and strain.
Flamingo Punch
bottle champagne
1 bottle rosé wine
1 container whole frozen raspberries, thawed
block of ice in punch bowl. Put in raspberries. Pour champagne
and rosé over ice simultaneously.
No-Rummy Punch
of 12 lemons
juice of 20 oranges
2 quarts gin
4 jiggers grenadine
2 bottles club soda, chilled
first four ingredients over a large block of ice and add the
chilled soda water.
Oahu Watermelon Punch
large watermelon (about 15" long and 7" wide)
1 can (6 oz) frozen lemonade concentrate, partially thawed
1-1/3 cups chilled orange flavor liqueur
Mint sprigs
top third lengthwise from watermelon. Scoop out about 2-1/2
cups of melon balls and set aside. Scoop remaining pulp from
top with large spoon; remove seeds. Discard shell. Cut thin
slice from underside of bottom piece of watermelon to keep it
from rolling. Scoop pulp from bottom piece with large spoon,
leaving 1/2" pulp on shell. Cut pulp (including pulp reserved
from top shell) into smaller pieces; remove seeds. Place lemonade
concentrate and about 3 cups of pulp into blender container.
Cover and blend on high speed until uniform consistency, about
5 seconds. Repeat with remaining pulp mixture (leave about 1
cup on each refill for easy blending). Cover and refrigerate
shell and pulp mixture. Just before serving, stir liqueur into
pulp mixture; pour into shell. Secure melon balls and mint sprigs
on wooden picks and insert around edge of shell.
Wine-Oh Punch
ring or cubes 3 cans (6 oz) thawed frozen limeade concentrate
1 can (12 oz) frozen lemonade concentrate
1 jug (1.5 litre) cold dry white wine (such as a chablis or
Chenin Blanc)
green food coloring (optional)
lemon or lime wedges
punch bowl, stir together limeade and lemonade concentrates
and wine. If desired, tint with green food coloring. Shortly
before serving, add ice or ice ring. Set out bowl of lemon or
lime wedges and the salt. Guests should rub the rim of their
glass with a wedge, then dip into the salt before ladling in
the punch.
for the Morning Coffee Punch
gallons strong black coffee, cooled
2 gallons vanilla ice cream
1 pint half-and-half
2 fifths brandy or cognac
1/4 cup sugar
one quart of the coffee in a ring mold. Pour the rest of the
coffee into a punch bowl. Add ice cream and half-and-half; blend
thoroughly. Keep refrigerated until ready to serve. Just before
serving, add liquor and sugar; blend. Add frozen coffee ring.
cup lemon juice
1/3 cup orange juice
1/4 cup sugar
1 bottle (4/5 quart) dry red wine
juices; add sugar, sitrring until dissolved. Just before serving,
mix juice mixture and wine in pitcher. Add ice.
1 orange
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 cup water
1 bottle (750ml) dry red or white wine, chilled
1 to 2 cups sparkling water, chlled
2 Tablespoons brandy
ice cubes
lemon and orange into 1/4" thick slices. Place the 4 end
slices from the lemon and orange in a saucepan; set aside remaining
slices. For syrup, add sugar and the 1/2 cup water to the saucepan.
Bring to boiling, sitrring until sugar dissolves. Remove from
heat; cool for 30 minutes. Squeeze juice from cooked fruit into
the syrup. Discard cooked fruit. In a pitcher, combine remaining
fruit slices, syrup, wine, sparkling water and brandy. Serve
over ice.
Mushy Punch
cup water
1 cup sugar
2 ripe medium bananas, sliced
3 cups unsweeted pineapple juice (divided)
1 can (6 oz) frozen orange juice concentrate
1-1/2 cups rum OR vodka
2 Tablespoons lemon juice
one 1-liter bottle sparkling water
water and sugar until sugar dissolves. In blender, combine bananas,
half the pineapple juice, and the orange juice concentrate.
Cover; blend until smooth. Add to sugar mixture. Stir in remaining
juices. Transfer to a 13x9x2 baking pan. Freeze for 4-24 hours.
To serve, let mixture stand at room temperature5-10 minutes.
To form slush, scrape a large spoon across frozen mixture; spoon
into punch bowl. Slowly pour sparkling water down side of bowl;
Fruit Looping Punch
cup water
1/3 cup sugar
6 cinnamon sticks, broken
1/2 teaspoon whole cloves
4 cups apple juice, chilled
1 12-oz can apricot nectar, chilled
1/4 cup lemon juice
two 750ml bottles dry white wine, chilled
saucepan, combine water, sugar, and spices. Bring to boiling;
reduce heat. Cover and simmer 10 minutes. Chill, covered, 4-24
hours. Strain (discard solids). Combine with fruit juices. Pour
into punch bowl; add wine.
Sparkling Cranberry-Ale Punch
quarts cranberry juice cocktail, chilled
1 can (6 oz) frozen pink lemonade concentrate, thawed
2 cans beer, chilled
cranberry juice cocktail and lemonade concentrate in large punch
bowl. Just before serving, stir in beer.
Daiquiri Punch
cups fresh or frozen unsweetened strawberries (divided)
1 can (6 oz) frozen limeade concentrate
3/4 cup light rum
1 bottle (16 oz) lemon-lime soda, chilled
2 cups ice cubes or crushed ice
fresh strawberries (optional)
half of the strawberries in blender. Cover; blend till smooth.
Transfer blended berries to large pitcher. Repeat with other
half of strawberries. Stir in limeade concentrate and rum. Cover
and chill for up to 24 hours. Just before serving, stir in soda
and ice. If desired, garnish with whole berries. 
Spiced Fruit Looping Punch
cup water
1/3 cup sugar
6 cinnamon sticks, broken
1/2 teaspoon whole cloves
4 cups apple juice, chilled
1 12-oz can apricot nectar, chilled
1/4 cup lemon juice
two 1-liter bottles club soda or sparkling water, chilled
saucepan, combine water, sugar, and spices. Bring to boiling;
reduce heat. Cover and simmer 10 minutes. Chill, covered, 4-24
hours. Strain (discard solids). Combine with fruit juices. Pour
into punch bowl; add wine.
Grape Orange Driving Punch
quarts (48 oz) grape juice, chilled
1-1/2 quarts (48 oz) orange juice, chilled
4-6 ice cubes
1 pint orange sherbet
juices in bowl or pitcher and mix with ice cubes. Just before
serving, add sherbet in spoonfuls and serve immediately.
Goofy Grapple Punch
quarts (48 oz) grape juice, chilled
1-1/2 quarts (48 oz) apple juice, chilled
4-6 ice cubes
1 pint orange or lemon sherbet
juices in bowl or pitcher and mix with ice cubes. Just before
serving, add sherbet in spoonfuls and serve immediately.
Think Pink Punch
cans (6 oz) frozen pink-lemonade concentrate, partly thawed
6 packages frozen sliced strawberries, partly thawed
6 cans (6 oz) frozen orange juice concentrate
8 quarts ginger ale
4 quarts sparkling water
each of two large punch bowls, combine halved amounts of all
ingredients. Stir until frozen lemonade and strawberries soften
and break up. Add ice and serve. Combine juices in bowl or pitcher
and mix with ice cubes. Just before serving, add sherbet in
spoonfuls and serve immediately.
Mushy Slushy Punch
cup water
1 cup sugar
2 ripe medium bananas, sliced
3 cups unsweeted pineapple juice (divided)
1 6-oz can frozen orange juice concentrate
2 Tablespoons lemon juice
one 1-liter bottle sparkling water
water and sugar until sugar dissolves. In blender, combine bananas,
half the pineapple juice, and the orange juice concentrate.
Cover; blend until smooth. Add to sugar mixture. Stir in remaining
juices. Transfer to a 13x9x2 baking pan. Freeze for 4-24 hours.
To serve, let mixture stand at room temperature 20-30 minutes.
To form slush, scrape a large spoon across frozen mixture; spoon
into punch bowl. Slowly pour sparkling water down side of bowl;
Ice Cream Headache Punch
quarts of ONE of the following:
vanilla ice cream, lime sherbet, orange sherbet, lemon sherbet,
raspberry sherbet 1-1/2 cups cold water
one 12-oz can frozen lemonade concentrate, thawed
two 1-liter bottles lemon-lime soda, chilled
ice cream or sherbet by tablespoonfuls into a punch bowl. Add
the cold water and lemonade concentrate; stir just until combined.
Slowly pour soda down side of the bowl; stir gently to mix.
Apple-Orange You Thirsty Punch
can (6 oz) frozen orange juice concentrate, thawed
1 can (6 oz) frozen lemonade concentrate, thawed
1 quart apple juice, chilled
2 quarts ginger ale, chilled
1 pint lemon or orange sherbet
concentrates and apple juice in large punch bowl. Just before
serving, stir in ginger ale. Spoon sherbet into bowl.
Twinkling Sparkling Cranberry Punch
quarts cranberry juice cocktail, chilled
1 can (6 oz) frozen pink lemonade concentrate, thawed
1 quart sparkling water, chilled
cranberry juice cocktail and lemonade concentrate in large punch
bowl. Just before serving, stir in sparkling water.
Wa-Wa-Wassail Punch
gallon apple cider
2 teaspoons whole cloves
2 teaspoons whole allspice
2 cinnamon sticks (about 3" long)
2/3 cup sugar
2 oranges, studded with cloves
cider, cloves, allspice, cinnamon and sugar to boiling; reduce
heat. Cover and simmer 20 minutes. Strain punch and pour into
punch bowl. Float oranges in bowl.
Cranberry Apple of My Eye Punch
quarts water
2 cups sugar
2 cups strong tea, cooled
2 cans (6 oz each) frozen lemonade concentrate, thawed
2 quarts cranberry juice cocktail
1 quart apple juice
2 cups orange juice
water and sugar to boiling, stirring constantly, until sugar
is dissolved; cool. Refrigerate all ingredients. Just before
serving, mix in large punch bowl.
Pineapple Sit Down Citrus Punch
cups pineapple juice, chilled
3 cups orange-grapefruit juice, chilled
1 quart lemon-lime soda, chilled
1 cup lime or lemon sherbet
juices and soda in large punch bowl. Spoon scoops of sherbet
into bowl. Serve immediately.
Wacky Daiquiri Punch
cups fresh or frozen unsweetened strawberries (divided)
1 can (6 oz) frozen limeade concentrate
3/4 cup unsweetened pineapple juice
1 bottle (16 oz) lemon-lime soda, chilled
2 cups ice cubes or crushed ice
fresh strawberries (optional)
half of the strawberries in blender. Cover; blend till smooth.
Transfer blended berries to large pitcher. Repeat with other
half of strawberries. Stir in limeade concentrate and pineapple
juice. Cover and chill for up to 24 hours. Just before serving,
stir in soda and ice. If desired, garnish with whole berries.
Vegetable Cocktail Hot Both Ways Punch
cans (46 oz each) vegetable juice cocktail
1/2 cup margarine or butter, softened
1 Tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon celery salt
1/2 teaspoon dried oregano leaves
4 drops red pepper sauce
all ingredients in Dutch oven. Cover; heat to boiling. Reduce
heat; simmer uncovered, stirring occasionally, 10 minutes. 
to Make an Ice Ring (or some alternate item) for Punch Bowl
thin slices of lemon, lime and/or oranges along with marachino
cherries or strawberries in an attractive design in a 6 to 6-1/2
cup ring mold. Pour water into mold to partially cover fruit;
frozen, add water to fill mold 3/4 full; freeze. At serving time,
unmold and float fruit side up in punch bowl.
ring without any fruit decorations. OR instead of water, use punch
itself, which will keep punch cold without diluting it.
a package of frozen melon balls, mixed fruit, raspberries or strawberries
and place into punch. This helps cool the punch as well as making
an interesting garnish.
